
User Guide

Table of Contents

1. What is Duke?
2. Features
3. Setting Up
4. Commands

1. What is Duke?

Duke is a task management bot that can keep track of your daily tasks and manage them.

2. Features

  1. Add a task
    • Types of tasks:
      1. todo: A task to be done later
      2. event: A task with the time to do it
      3. deadline: A task with a deadline
  2. Delete a task
    • delete a task from the existing list of tasks.
  3. List the tasks
    • list the existing list of tasks.
  4. Mark a task as done
    • Mark a task as done after you have done it.
  5. Find tasks
    • find tasks that contain the keyword.
  6. Add a note
    • Add a note to the existing list of notes.
  7. Delete a note
    • delnote: deletes a note that you do not want to keep anymore.
  8. List the notes
    • listnote: lists the existing notes.
  9. Get the description of a note
    • description: the content of a certain note.

3. Setting Up

4. Commands

Command | Result —————- | —————- todo [Description] | New todo task added to the task list with the tag [T] event [Description] /at [Time(YYYY/MM/DDTHH:MM)] | New event added to the task list with the tag [E] deadline [Description] /by [Time(YYYY/MM/DDTHH:MM)] | New deadline added to the task list with the tag [D] delete [Index] | Delete the task with the index list | List the existing tasks on the task list done [Index] | Mark the task with the index as done find [Keyword] | Find the tasks which contains the keyword note [Title] /d [Description] | Create a note with a title and description then add it to the note list. delnote [Index] | Delete the note with the index. listnote | List the notes on the note list. description [Index] | Get the description of the note with the index.